Pain is Global. Hope is Universal. Resilience Ignites Solutions.
Life's Challenges are faced by every individual in the world. It may be you, family or team members. You desire to do something more. You feel invisible or miserable. You want change. But you do not know how to create the life you want or where to begin. How one perseveres and triumphs reveals their resilience. First of all… breathe.
You are not alone. And you are safe with me.
I’ve been through so many personal catastrophes and have gone through a number of Life Reinventions. I CAN HELP YOU design the life that will make you come alive again and guide you in finding your New Beginnings. Watch your life transform from being invisible to INVINCIBLE!
- Ferlie Almonte
“Ferlie Almonte is inspiring and full of nuggets of wisdom!”
Jose Mari Chan, Legendary Singer-Songwriter

Meet Ferlie
Out of her personal catastrophic experiences, Ferlie created a magnificent brand and has emerged into a Global Resilience Leader.
Born in the Philippines, but now residing in New Jersey, Ferlie travels the world to speak, hosts important events and fundraisers, and conducts workshops on Resilience, Life Reinventions, Image, Confidence and Public Speaking to corporations and organizations.
She is passionately driven to share her compelling message of Hope and Resilience, and is committed to inspire and uplift people from all walks of life through her diverse areas of expertise.
Ms. Almonte has co-authored three life changing best sellers: Empowering Transformations for Women, Pure Genius: Simple Solutions that Work to Light Up your World, and Women Innovators: Makers. Leaders and Givers, Volume One, and is completing her fourth and fifth books for 2017 release.
Ms. Almonte is getting ready to kick off her multi-city One Woman Motivational EDUtainment show, “Make your Mess your Message” this spring, where she will take you on a unique life changing experience through her personal stories of resilience and repertoire of original songs.
Languages Spoken: English, Tagalog
Ready to Boldly Live In Natural Greatness?

"The 37th Annual Diamond Ball was a huge success for the American Cancer Society! We could not have achieved this remarkable accomplishment without your leadership and generous support of our event. We sincerely thank you for donating your time and services."
Emily Nelson, Senior Development Manager, American Cancer Society, Inc.
"It was so lovely having you at FLOW. The kids absolutely loved your performance and your message. I can’t wait to see what you’ll bring to Paramus Catholic."
Kara Mendez, Community Manager, Relay For Life, American Cancer Society, Inc.
"Thank you so much Ferlie, I have heard nothing but great things about your performance."
Patricia Ortiz, Senior Manager, Relay For Life, American Cancer Society, Inc.
"Ferlie's personality was unique and she left an impression on me. I hadn't seen her in some time and one night when I attended a Relay for Life event, it was late and dark and all you could hear was a voice amongst hundreds of silent people. I recognized that voice immediately and knew it was Ferlie. She was giving a speech on Cancer. She spoke from the heart and with such passion. She sang 2 beautiful songs afterward. She has a flair about her that draws people to her. When it was over I could hear a number of teenagers as well as adults who were present talking about how moving she was. She touches people of all ages. That is truly a gift."
Frank D. Samperi, ESQ., Real Estate Attorney, Hackensack, NJ